Every second Friday, the archiTEXT team puts the markers down, take our eyeballs off of our screens, and engage in the two things we do best: EAT and PLAY.  Each staff member is tasked with bringing a form of "grape" (interpret as you will) and a form of "chip".  We eat copious amounts of food, and then do a creative activity to engage the team and/or the public with creativity.  Sometimes we keep it internal, within the team, to get the creativity flowing through the studio; often we'll take it outside of our walls and experiment in engaging Torontonians.  Take a look at some past experiments, and look out for new ones around the city.

This Winter, we are offering to bring Grapes and Chips to your team. Download the brochure here.

Grapes and Chips

Grapes and Chips

Engaging the public with creativity in quick and easy ways.
